Thursday, 18 February 2010

Natural Growth

Are you filling your children with data that impacts on their natural development?
Are you force feeding your child or pushing them walk early? Or are you allowing
them to grow naturally and creatively in tune with their own souls?

Dr Bruce Lipton provided a wonderful video on his lecture called "Conscious 
Parenting, the Power of Love". Its about the new biology, includes information
about the "Human Genome" project and also the impact people have on children
pre-birth. It was due to Lipton's great work that I was introduced to birth psychology
in the the USA.

Everything he shared confirmed what I already knew to be true and it is wonderful
that we have cutting edge scientists leading the way in the front line, hand in hand,
side by side across new the frontiers.

For more information please see his website

Dr Ursula Anderson has also done amazing work with children and I highly
recommend her work as well. Dr. Ursula Anderson explains the possible connection 
between autism, autistic spectrum disorder and the common practice of routine 
ultrasonograms at the crucial part of brain development in the developing fetus. 
Dr Anderson is a leading expert in the field of pediatrics, mental health, preventative 
medicine, public health, and he philosophy of religion. She is internationally recognized 
for her research, publications, and tireless work on behalf of the worlds children. 

In addition to her private practice, Dr. Anderson has held several ranking academic 
and governmental positions, including that of consultant to the World Health 
Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Dr. Anderson is a graduate of Yale University 
Medical School, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London University, 
and Liverpool University.


Angel Voices - Light the Candles

The wonderful designer in Holland is still working on the new 
video for the covenant. In the meantime we would love to share 
this lovely video with you and it is called:

Angel Voices - Light the Candles

May God bless the children of the world.
