Monday, 26 April 2010

No More Child Brides

Children sold into marriage because their parents said there was no other way for them to pay their debts.

Another beautiful child sold into marriage and removed from her education in Afganistan.

May the oil rich Islamic nations fund the poor Islamic nations and ensure this does not happen anymore.

Children in Yemen standing up for their human rights.

They are saying no to child marriage.

God bless them.

Children are not a commodity without love they become so.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Saturday, 24 April 2010

God's Angels

God bless them.....

So much love, so much energy....

Love Union indeed....

Angels are from Heaven

Glory be to God

Free the Children of India

555 is a very special date for India to raise India up. The Children are angels from heaven and they are more sacred than your cows. 

5th of May 2012 is coming, there is not much time left for India to change its ways, 

You must let God's angels from heaven be free to be children. 

Free The Children - India Initiative

Friday, 23 April 2010

LORD God help the Children of Gaza

I have only just now been led to this story about the Hamas wedding of 450 children. Hamas recreating the wedding of the six year old Aisha. There are not words to describe how a mother feels to see little girls being married to men three to four times their age. More child marriages were planned in the days that followed this celebrated event in Gaza in 2009. News media claim the grooms were aged from 18 to 28 and that the grooms were holding hands with their young nieces and cousins, little girls aged from 3 to 8. 

Islamic sources tell us that the child Aisha was only six years old when she was married. 

“It is reported from Aisha that she said: The Prophet entered into marriage with me when I was a girl of 
six … and at the time [of joining his household] I was a girl of nine years of age.” “Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed [alone] for two years or so. 

He married Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.” 

LORD God please help the Children of Gaza



Saturday, 10 April 2010

SMILER - Smiles of Children

Many children are given pet names when they are born and growing up. When I was a baby my parents called me 'SMILER'. God puts a smile upon your face, when you are truly with God with a heart of sincerity. Were you born with a smile upon your face or were you crying?

Funny how the word SMILER also rhymes with one of my fathers other pet names for his child -

ELIZA from the film 'My Fair Lady'. 

My Son was born smiling as well. My mother said it was wind. However, I could see and feel his smiles of divine love filled with a heart of sincerity.

He like his mother was a born a smiler. I will always remember the words of the sister in the ward when I was breast feeding. I asked her why there was so much fuss and why so many nurses came to visit us.

The Sister replied 'A child is only as good as its mother'. 

27 years ago, I was only one of five women from many maternity wards that was breast feeding. The five women that breast fed their babies brought great joy to the hearts of the nurses and the sister of the wards.

The first time I saw the face of God, our heavenly Father, it was just as awesome as seeing the face of your baby for the very first time.

Once again she smiled.

James Taylor gave humanity a song called 'Smiling Face'

And the song from Roberta Flack will always remind me of God and the first time.

The word 'smiler' is the same gematria value as the name 'Thomas'.

My Father's Jewish grandmother married a man with the surname Thomas and so did I.

The name THOMAS can be found in both Hebrew and Aramaic and it means 'TWIN'.

In the Phoenician it means 'Sun God" [1]

It is also the same English gematria value as 'Moshiach'.

'My Fair Lady' is also the same gematria value as 'Mary Magdalene'.

In recent days God said 'Batefar' and the English translation of this
word is 'House of Fairness'. 

The Covenant from God for the Children is certainly FAIR.

Glory be to God and the smiling children.



Saturday, 3 April 2010


This blog was established for the Children and this Covenant 
for them. The Children's Covenant of Spiritual Independence. 

Please share this everlasting covenant with the world. 
Allow the Children the freedom to be.

Here is the video about the covenant for the children that was 
delivered to Israel on the 9th September 2007. 

It is time to share it with the world, thank you to musician and 
Jerusalem Peace Maker Ofer Golany who helped to make 
this possible. The soundtrack from the video can be purchased 
at CDbaby. 
Thank you also to Ofer's fellow musicians Rahel Jaskow 

and Abe Doron. 

Thank you to Oannes who designed the video so that we 
can share this information with you.

Please send this video to everyone that has children or 
works with children. 

Please let everyone know the covenant arrived 
and was embedded in Jerusalem, Israel.  

God bless the children of the world.

Now it is up to you.....

The Messenger of the Covenant


Friday, 2 April 2010

Obama they are girls not guys

Last night I watched a video of Michelle Obama with children at the White House and I discovered that the White House call all children guys. Not once did she address the girls as girls.

Those of us that know also know about 'conditioning' and how that 'conditioning' in childhood is co-created.

If you also bear in mind the research on the 49% of oppressors in the USA that are bullying others and the research from heartmath stating 84% of the USA are in emotional chaos you begin to understand some of the reasons why. In the main bullying is usually done by boys. However, the research shows that the USA has a very large percentage of girls/women that are also bullies in the workplace. [1]

Conditioning with the words 'guys' instead of 'girls' will certainly have an impact on that. In the beginning was the word is one of the most profound statements ever made. In holistic harmonics one is very careful about the words one uses especially when children are involved.

Mindful speech was not only a concept delivered by the Christ and his followers it is also part of the Buddha eightfold path. The reason being is that these people knew and appreciated the sheer impact of words on creation. 

Ron Paul was correct the USA requires a doctor not a lawyer. 

However, as the medical profession do not have the skills and expertise 
to heal emotions, the USA requires its healers to help the nation to heal itself. 

