Tuesday, 25 October 2011

British Children

The Guardian Newspaper provided an excellent article on injustice experienced by the children that went to court due to the riots. This is just a couple of quotes from it. 
Something has to give when impoverished children are told to consume and consume. In our view the advertising that saturates young people's childhood is a major concern; the biggest question is not today's rioters, it's the generation upon generation of rioters in the pipeline.
Helena Thompson
Artistic director, SPID
Even taking into account the context in which these and many other offences took place, the passing of sentences so out of line with normal sentencing practice is difficult to justify. Magistrates promise to "do right to all manner of people after the laws and usages of the realm without fear or favour, affection or ill-will". It would seem that a considerable amount of ill-will has been directed at some offenders in recent weeks.
Lynda Hall JP


Monday, 24 October 2011

African Children

Well the figures are being released about the 'Seven Billion Population'. 

In Zambia they have at least six children per family yet cannot even provide the essentials. Having six children when parents cannot afford them is senseless. The more children people have, the more poverty is co-created. Then African leaders ask the Western tax payers; to fund their population growth of poverty, while Westerners restrict themselves to one or two children due to sheer cost of bringing up a child.

Why should the West pay for Africa's lack of self-discipline?

Westerner's say that African's require education to make the changes. However, every person is born with knowing what is right and what is not. Every person is born with a conscience; and it does not require education to know it. Time for African leaders to talk about having a conscience and what that means for children.

The more children that parents have is not just an economical issue. It is also an emotional issue because parents have to divide their time and effort between them and the larger the family, the less quality time there is for each child. So then the children end up looking after each other, and that can co-create issues for them later in life. Then the never ending cycles continues. Children that did not get their needs met in childhood, then grow up and have children to feed their thirst for the lack of love they received as children.

Its going to be harder in the future if African leaders do not help their people to develop organically and ecologically. Food Aid is not the solution. Never has it been, and nor will it ever be so.

Love is the key for those families that are healthy like those in this clip. These families could be provided with the techniques and have their own fish farms so that there is plenty of food for all. 

Education e.g. academia is not going to feed the people because there will never be jobs for everyone. Not the kinds of jobs that people would like. Hence, why there has to be an increase of self-farming and the people being able to feed themselves.

Food feeds the people and we have to help the people to become self-sustainable.


  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-15368276

Thursday, 13 October 2011


I have made few posts on this blog because there really as been very little that as been worthy to post. However, this is wonderful, the eco school house in the USA.

Eco School House is a documentary film about the first ever community built, environmentally sustainable schoolhouse. The story begins in a cold mid-west winter when someone sets fire to one of a handful of trailers next to a 100-year-old elementary school. It is about the vision of an architect and an elementary school principals willingness to trust in a new way of thinking. It is an inspirational story that will challenge your perspectives on architecture and environmentalism, educators and people. An understanding that growth happens in small ways, but over time change can become big changes. With a little help and lots of understanding, people come together to lead the way at a time when our country and the world may need us most. The economical and ecological schoolhouse becomes a teaching tool for everyone.

May God bless you all.