Thursday, 12 January 2012

No School Schools Out USA

It was on the 29th of September 2010 that I was given what I called the 'Scroll Visions' and a post was made at that time. The post included the following words. 

"While I was resting I was given two visions. The first vision was of a winged messenger MERCURY. The second vision was of a very large LION and he had a big SCROLL in his mouth.Then Abba said 'NO SCHOOL, SCHOOLS OUT'. Then I responded to a colleague's email and while I was sharing the visions with him, Abba said 'THEY WILL FALL LIKE A PACK OF CARDS'. 

On the 8th of June 2011, we posted the same message again with a video. [1] That link provides you with the original link to the scroll visions. 

When will they listen? When their children and grand children are dying in their arms? Its all written in the biblical prophecies. This is now the fourth post on the children and what is happening to them in schools in the USA.