Wednesday, 30 May 2012


First there was a video about the reasons to take the children out of school, then I received a message from a friend that the foxes had killed all of her chickens. Then the third message arrived from a scientist titled: ALERT: Fountain of Life -v- Fountain of Death to do with vaccines. That also links into the recent 'LIFE STREAM' annular solar eclipse that took place earlier in May, 2012. 

The Daily Telegraph reported that the so-called experts are stating that 'All children should be vaccinated against flu from the age of five to stop them spreading the illness among their families, government advisors have said'. [1] 

The second part of the email was titled: 

'Avian and swine flu vaccines cause sterility and death'. [2] A third link was also recommended. Go to this site and listen to the audio interview of Dr. John Waterman (11 July-update 4)


The scientist also added this quote from Genesis. 'From the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in that day that you shall eat from it, you shall surely die'. 2:17. 

People were advised to eat from the Tree of Life experience. However, as we informed people back in 2004, the roots of the old tree of life are dying due to the 'selfishness' of humanity. A new tree of life is growing at an amazing speed. Those that hang onto the previous tree of life, will die with it. Only those that move into the new heaven and earth will survive what is coming upon the planet and its people. 

Video about the children and the 'mystery illnesses' during May, 2012. This is happening throughout the USA. These incidents are being mapped. As the LORD God said 'NO SCHOOL, SCHOOLS OUT'.

As the biblical prophecies predicted, the nations must turn their hearts to the children, if they don't then there will be severe consequences. They must also do the will of God in this timeline, if they wish to survive beyond the earth and climatic changes. The prophecies predict that the tribes of Joseph will be saved. The tribes in my heart are the indigenous peoples and the spiritual that support them and help them. 


Thursday, 24 May 2012


I cannot tell you how deeply concerning this video is about 'Latvia', and what they doing to the children there. The video is called 'Nazi Kindergarten Shame: Baltic divided over the dark past'.

These blessed children are only toddlers, three years old. Babies being taking into the dark realm of men and the way of man.

When my son was a child, even toy guns were banned from the house, and it was only after he started school that I had to relent somewhat. Although he never had a strong interest in them, and he knew that his mother did not like them, and would not purchase toy ones. What he spent his own birthday money on was a different matter. It was his money to choose. Toy guns should be banned altogether.

"A kindergarten in Latvia has been dragged into a row over teaching tyranny - after its toddlers were given a lesson by Nazi sympathisers, including getting hands-on with SS weapons. For some, it's vital schooling about their country's history but, as Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports, the fear is of nursery-age indoctrination." 

Its hard to even consider the possibility of this happening to babies. Or that it is happening again in the Baltic states.


Saturday, 12 May 2012


If a child is washed, dried and changed regularly, there is no requirement for any baby powder. If you find that your baby is getting a diaper rash, then you can cover their sensitive areas with vaseline, as a barrier to defend their skin. When Jordan was a baby he was very intuitive and would remove his nappy at night, he was clean at 8-9 months during the day, and at one year of a night. He was determined not to wear them, he wished for his body to be free from any restriction. I also allowed him to be free and not to wear any at all, as much as possible during the day time.

A rash is like an open wound, and as we know, the pores open after a warm bath. As such, what you put on to the babies skin, is quickly absorbed into their system. Keep the baby as natural as you can, as they were meant to be, in more ways than one.

Talcum powder is a ground dust that 'pollutes' the air. Dust that babies can breathe in,  directly on to their lungs. It has been found to co-create lung and ovarian cancer. These babies are covered in it.