Thursday, 13 December 2012


In November 2012, I wrote the first post about the "Bedroom Tax", [1] I have just found a quote to do with the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child in an article that I wrote in February 2007 titled 'The Return of Love, and the Return of the Children". It was later that year that I was sent to Israel to embed the new covenant for the children.

The UK government, its ministers, civil servants and local councils are introducing a 'Bedroom Tax' that will impact on the children and it does affect them. The government did not ask the children their views on how they feel about their bedrooms being taking away from them. Has such, the UK government is in breach of and in contravention of the human rights of children and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

'The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, lays out the fundamental human rights of children. One of the principles is that Children should be free to express their views. And these views should be taken into account in ALL matters that affect them.'

What else did I write about eroding the boundaries of children?

'A key factor is that children are born divine beings until their boundaries are eroded and they are taken astray. Divine self -v- Human self as been a battle that humanity have contended with for aeons.

I hear people talking about there being no boundaries when the new world comes to be. It is clear to me that these people do not have any boundaries in place, because if they did they would not be talking about no boundaries.

When boundaries are eroded in childhood, it takes self-healing to get them back. Without boundaries there is no justice, there is no measure, balance or moral compass.

"Love without integrity is like an ocean without fish, a house without windows and a library without books" "People are not a commodity without love they become so" from Sacred Words

Children that have been brought up knowing they are sacred in a sanctuary of peace have boundaries in place. They quickly learn, what is healthy for them and what is not.'

Can children live in their own sanctuary of peace if they are forced to share a bedroom with a sibling?


In 2004, Charles Mercieca Phd. Professor Emeritus, Alabama A&M University also wrote the following about the human rights of children in international development. Here are a few quotes from him:

'Children are the backbone of the nation. If they grow straight and healthy we will end up having a wonderful and perfect nation. On the other hand, if children are deprived of the necessities of full and adequate medical attention and vital educational needs we will end up having a nation that will be in serious trouble. Countries that expect children to have insurance in order for them to receive medical attention are blatantly violating children's human rights.'

'The basic weakness of any government could be traced in its inability to develop policies that are beneficial to all people without exception.'

That includes children as well.

'St. Catherine of Siena used to say: Anima sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind is found in a healthy body. If we were to concentrate on finding a cure to such illnesses as cancer, leukemia, heart illness, epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, along with several others, we will have a better and healthier society with more and more people becoming involved in positive and constructive work that would benefit the entire nation to say the least.'

'Besides, we need to keeo ib mind that the behavior of the present adults everywhere reflects generally the upbringing of such adults. In global areas where children did not have the opportunity to enjoy their childhood and to benefit from basic human rights that were outlined earlier, we find a very confused and even dangerous society. Usually, children who experience love, understanding, compassion and good care are likely to reveal such qualities in dealing with others as adults. On the other hand, those children who experience hatred, neglect, rough treatment and rejection are likely to reveal such qualities later on as adults in the community where they find themselves.'

'Ironically, in every nation where the open violation of children's human rights is very much evident, we do observe a dosage of corruption in some members of the government. Perhaps the creation of national and international courts of justice that specialize in the special protection of children's human rights may be given serious consideration.' 

Has we know the British government are 'violating the human rights of children'.  Does this mean that the UK government is 'corrupt?' Has Charles suggests? Yes, indeed it does.

Information from the National Housing Federation who have been lobbying government about the changes being made. And a mother in Salisbury has launched a campaign against the 'Bedroom Tax'.

'Jessica McCarnun says the move puts her in an impossible situation as she cannot afford to lose the £14 a week she fears will be cut, and that her five-year-old son, Rowan, needs to have his own room as he has autism and brain damage and could lash out at his siblings.

She said: “Rowan can be up six times a night, he can vomit and have night terrors, and when he’s frustrated he can lash out, scratch and bite.”

Mrs McCarnun, who said she is already relying on help from Salisbury’s foodbank to get by, has set up a Facebook page urging all disabled people to tell their story on how it will affect them, which she hopes to take to Downing Street early next year.

She said: “We are very frightened about what’s going on.

“It’s a massive assault on the disabled people in this country. We want the government to understand what they are doing and the suffering this is going to cause.”

What did the Supreme Court have to say do you know? It appears that they were only asked to make a decision on the basis of the disabled. However, they’re are still in contravention of the human rights of the child and that has to be addressed by human rights lawyers.

We are on to it, and will stay with it, until justice is done for the children and their human rights.






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